SOMETING NICE is coming your way june 1, 2024…

We are dedicated to our mission of amplifying Caribbean makers within the entrepreneurial ecosystem. 

And so, we want to bring artisanal craftsmanship to your doorstep. With this new & nice subscription roll-out from CBN, you will automatically receive someting nice delivered right to your door each month. From wi island community. To You. Each month brings a new surprise…

We are so excited to go on this new adventure with you!


We really love the idea of sending special things made in the Caribbean just for you. Each item we choose will be hand-make by a local Caribbean artisan across the islands. The goal to to support the local Caribbean maker community while also bringing a likkle joy and beauty into your life. 

Each month end, expect a surprise package from us with your nice gift. Products are automatically delivered on a monthly schedule. You may modify or cancel your subscription anytime. Only a LIMITED number of subscriptions will be available starting Jan 1, 2024!

*Above photo is not representative of current Someting Nice  item, as each one is always a surprise


You will be able to choose a 3 month, 6 month, or 12 month subscription.

Per month: $35

3 months: $105

6 months: $210

12 months/1 year: $420

*Above photo is not representative of current Something Special item, those are always a surprise.

Delivery every 1 Month, Charge every 12 Months